I love playing my guitar.
My guitar was given to me by my uncle, from US, on December 25, 2014. I remember that I failed one of my subjects because I was too overwhelmed in playing such a cool guitar. I’ve seen many ways to modify it, like changing pickups, putting Bigsby, and many more. I would love to see it in a different shape, but since it’s given to me, I don’t want to mess it around. I’m always playing with it, and it’s the best guitar that I’d ever had.
Fender Standard Telecaster, Made in Malaysia
Guitar Repair Hobbyist
This guitar is old. I think it’s about 10+ years in our church and I don’t know how to play a guitar yet that time, I do know how to play the drums at that time. I’m planning on making it look like brand new again, but not just the look, but also the sound, the feels and everything in between.

Pandemic came, a lot has changed, and I’ve added a couple more hobbies aside from playing my guitar.
Pandemic cyclist…
Darts Player
Pandemic cyclist…